1624 Diplomat Dr

Repairing vertical and horizontal control joints on a commercial building in Carrollton Texas

The Building

The Atlantic Relocation Systems building is a commercial warehouse in Carrollton, a suburb of Dallas, TX. It is a 94,000 square foot space with concrete paneling on the exterior. 

The Challenge

This giant building needed a thorough caulking. All the control joints needed attention, and there were lots. We also had to work with the client to not interfere with day to day operations.

The Solution

Control joint caulking is a straightforward project for us, no matter the size of the building. Our team of experts have several techniques for tackling big projects. We are methodical and thorough. 

The Result

The building is once again safe from the elements. Expired control joint caulking can lead to leaks, cracks, and spalling. All caulking eventually expires and this process should be thought of as part of your building’s regular maintenance.

Check you caulking often, and if it starts to dry out and harden, call us at 1-800-785-9927 or Request a Quote.

Repairing vertical and horizontal control joints on a commercial building in Carrollton Texas

Control joint repairs protect commercial building exterior walls


Carrollton, TX


Atlantic Relocation System

Building Type



Control Joint Repair




High Climbing